Thursday, August 14, 2014

My, how time flies.....

It's been an interesting year, to put it mildly.
Shortly after my last post, my DH/partner Maurice had several heart attacks, followed by a stent (second time for that), a blood clot in the groin, and a third recurrence of cancer...this time in his lung.
He had half a lung removed,  underwent radiation, and is now receiving chemotherapy that will wind up in December......and here we are, August 14, over a year since my last post.  

During that time, we celebrated our 25th anniversary here in Carriage Plaza, our younger son got married in Tulsa, and our our older son and his family are also in Tulsa, so we now get to see our  family frequently!  

All these factors helped us see how important it is to slow down, and take some time to enjoy day-to-day living! Maurice & I decided to close the gift side of the shop and focus exclusively on the candy/chocolates.  It's what we love the most about our business, and it's what we do the best.

We started a giant closeout sale on all gifts, and are now down to 75% off all remaining gift merchandise. We have lots of store fixtures and displays for sale, and we're glad to see them go!
We're now preparing to move our front door back  and put up the wall that was originally there when we opened back in 1989!

Some of our wonderful customers are unaware of what we're doing, and when they walk in, they're very concerned that we're going out of biz....not at all! They're relived when we tell them what's going on!

Maurice and I are looking forward to being able to focus our attention on what we love the most and do the best....SWEETS!! 
Of course we'll still have some great little gifts, mostly the kind that will make you chuckle!

Thank you, our dear friends & customers, for your continued patronage during the past quarter of a century!  Remember...we're more than just a candy store ;-)

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