Friday marks our 20th Birthday! We closed up our original shop, Jared's Ltd. in Moore, on the first of July, 1989, and moved all the boxes, merchandise, equipment, fixtures, and ourselves to our current location in beautiful Carriage Plaza. We worked like dogs for nine days, and re-opened as The Candy Basket on July 10, 1989!!! TWENTY YEARS!
That nine days were probably some of the hardest of our lives! We unpacked like crazy, tried to figure out how to fill our new 'vast' space, and tried to make some order out of mis-matched merchandise that had previously been in boxes, packed up for the move. We had deliberately set an opening date, so we had a deadline looming over our heads, and we were working long, hard days to make it happen by July 10th.
We did it!
We're having a two day celebration sale - 20% off everything in the store (except coffee), and I expect we'll have a pretty good turnout, judging from the customers who have been in 'scouting' out the new merchandise!
We've assembled a couple of picture boards showing the progress of the store when we first opened, our first pitiful window display, and a number of our fun after-hours get togethers and parties.
Friday night we're hosting a birthday party, and we've invited a number of our former staff members to join us. We're having champagne and birthday cake, and we've asked our former/current employees to dress alike so we can take some fun pictures. Of course, we'll post them on this blog later!
Maurice and I are pretty proud of our little shop, and we're looking forward to the weekend celebration. We are so grateful for our customers, friends, and family for helping us make it happen!
Here's to 20 more!
Hasta la vista,
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