Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday is such a glorious day! We work hard all week, and sometimes we still have to go back to the store on Sundays (like today), but it's not like work at all. In fact, there' something deliciously naughty about being locked in a candy store!!!
We're gearing up for this sidewalk sale coming up the end of this week. We have SO MUCH stuff we want to get rid of...stuff I never should have ordered, stuff that sold well for a long time, then stopped selling, stuff that is just shop-worn or slightly damaged....SO MUCH STUFF!! I hope all of Norman shows up this weekend and helps us clear it out.
After that, the biggest thing we have going is our birthday celebration weekend July 10/11. I can hardly believe we've been residents of Carriage Plaza for twenty years!!! Geez, how time flies.
I will always remember the week we moved in from our former place of biz in Moore. After the boxes, fixtures, etc. were delivered to our Carriage Plaza store, I walked in on a (glorious) Sunday afternoon, saw a store stuffed w/boxes to unpack, and just sat down and cried! It was such an overwhelming challenge, but we made it! We brought our kids (Stephen & David) with us every day and made them open boxes and otherwise help us. We didn't feel right leaving a 10 & 12 year old home alone, and those of you who are parents can certainly understand that!
It took us ten days to get set up for business, which included the July 4th holiday. During that time, we also went to Dallas market to buy stuff for the new place, with no idea if we'd even have any new customers, let alone how they might like us. It was one of the most stressful times in our lives, but it paid off, and here we are, 20 years later! Certainly cause for celebration!
More later....
Madame G

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